Pick from 4 different workouts
to achieve desired goal
1. Muscle Building Workout
Musclebuilding circuit routine
Warm up treadmill 5 min
Do 1 set of each exercise and repeat for 3 sets each
Incline dumbbell bench press 3x8-12
Deadlift 3x8-12
Assisted pull up machine 3x8-12
Hammer curl 3x8-12
Skull crushers 3x8-12
Donkey calf raises 4x8-12
Knee ups 3x30
2. HIT workout
Warm up Treadmill 5min 50 crunches 20 air squats
Do 1 set of each exercise and repeat for 3 sets each with no or minimal rest
Overhead push press 30 reps
Hanging knee ups 20 reps
Leg press 30 reps
Push up TRX 30 secs
3. Glutes and Abs Workout
Be sure to squeeze and contract the muscles especially the glutes
Do 1 set of each exercise and repeat for 3 sets each
Warm up elliptical 5 min
3/4 smith machine squats 3x20
Straight arm plank with glute lift and arm reach 3x20
Scissor kicks 3x20
Twisting knee ups 3x20
Plank 3x to failure
Wide stance kettlebell deadlift 4x30
Dumbbell lunges 3x20
4. Full Body Workout
Warm up treadmill 5 min
Do 1 set of each exercise and repeat for 3 sets each
Straight arm pulldown 3x15
Smith machine squats 3x15
Hammer curl 3x15
Donkey calf raises 3x15
Plank 3x to failure
Trx push up 3x12
Assisted dip machine 3x12
Crunches with twist 4x30